HERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE? We aren always in need of anyone who would like to serve in how they see called to. Some of those callings may be: volunteers: * Liturgists * Ushering * Greeting at the front door * Would you like to help with our live stream by learning our AV equipment? * Bring flowers for the alter on Sunday mornings *Coffee hour hosts If you are interested please let the office know or check out the sign up sheets on the bulletin board next to the church office. Sign up for a time that is convenient for you! |
WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PART OF A GROUP AT CHURCH? We have several different groups and committees that we know you would love to be a part of. If interested please reach out to the church office either by calling 360-693-4761 or email at: [email protected] We are currently doing most committee and group meetings via Zoom, but some do meet in person. * United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) and Women's Circles * Social Justice Committee (Missions & Justice work) * Beyond 8-5 Men's Group * Education Committee * Reading Radicals ( a reading group) * Trustee's (church maintenance and more) |